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The words I try to live by. Read more thoughts and ideas related to photography, camping and nature conservation. You can also find occasional news and art show schedules.

Memorable to say the least. We didn't do too much research on our backpacking trip into a part of the Grand Canyon. We did know that water would be limited, even though we were hiking towards a river. The water, high in mineral content would be undrinkable. So that led us to carry our 3-day water supply with us (2 liters = 5 pounds), taking our pack weight close to 50 pounds. NOT a good idea when you're hiking down 400 ft. within the first mile. Ultimately our estimates for water were not generous enough and a few of us ran the risk of dehydration on our second day. Luckily we camped near some potholes that held pools of rainwater, which we filtered to replenish our supply (Sawyer Squeeze filters are awesome!). In the end, even though our plans were derailed, we are all safe and had a memorable experience with stories to share.


Pack for 3-day/2-night backpacking. (Starting top right: 48-liter backpack, tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, 4-liter water bag, buff, Jetboil gas, water shoes, towel, Jetboil, tent footprint, Top left: camera filters, solar charger, day pack, camera and supplies, white safe travels charm, headlamp, hand warmers, emergency blanket, wet naps, first aid, solar lamp, 3-liter bladder, trowel, matches, multi-tool, emergency whistle, rope, spork, MREs, water filter, tp, zip bags, fire starters, sunscreen, poncho, phone remote, phone waterproof bag and green dry bag)As much as I love the luxuries of car camping, sometimes it's just too darn easy. I mean, usually, you're "roughing it" right next to your car, next to a paved road, next to groups of other people, just miles away from the nearest town and most of the time, have running water and toilets. Now backpacking frees me of all the luxury car camping ropes that tie me down. I am able to go where ever my curiosity takes me. No 10'x10' dirt patches where I must put my tent. No metal fire rings where my fire must go. No sounds of cars driving by. Best of all, no neighbors. When I find myself all alone (even w/ your campmates) surrounded by nature, something amazing happens. A peacefulness comes over me yet, a rage of excitement. I feel if feeding off the energy of the trees, rocks and rivers around me. Most importantly, if you ever find yourself out exploring nature, please respect it. Take care of it. Because someday, you'll become part of it.


With the recent news of all these people who disregard rules and harm nature and the national parks, it pisses me off!! Who the hell do they think they are?! All for social media, nothing but attention whores. The national parks are already financially hurting, now they have to spend their money on fixing what these guys destroyed! Then they probably have to spend even more on building fences and cages just to contain the rest of the idiots of the world!! Respect!! NO, you are NOT entitled to anything!!!

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