It has been far too long since my last check-in here. Life has caught up to me and I'm having adventure withdrawals. I was able to close out the year with an annual road trip with my family, this time to the Sequoia National Park. It's one of my favorites because of how easy it is to get there and of course, the beauty and how amazing and majestic the Sequoia trees are. There are plenty of hikes to enjoy, especially with white snow to contrast with the warm colors of the trees. We know that the Sequoias are huge, but until we actually come up to one, and touch one, we truly do not know.
2016 sure did throw us a curveball and set up 2017 to be a very interesting year. But like all of the future, we will have to just wait and see what unfolds. I am happy to say that I have applied to more shows this year, mainly in Utah. I hope everything aligns and I have a chance to show my new work. Until then, let's make the best of it. We already know it's a curveball...so let's swing accordingly and hit a home run.