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Closing 2014 in Glen Canyon and Sedona

"Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?" –Bob Marley

This year especially, Yes I am. I ended an amazing adventure-filled year with two back to back trips. The first, back to awesome Utah, but an area where I have yet to explore. In search of a specific spot that I've dreamed of seeing with my own eyes. Little did I know how tough of a trek it would be. Just hiking to it would be hard enough, but to backpack with camp gear made it brutal. But we made it. With many hurdles that we overcame, we made it. The view was gorgeous. Mesmerizing. But as unbelievable as the view was, I wouldn't do it again. 60 miles of off-road driving. 10 miles of hiking up and down ravines with no trail to follow. The water you carry is the only water you have. Plus, the angry windstorm that spent hours in the night trying to blow us and our tent off the 200 ft. cliff into the darkness below. But we got some shots and many stories to make it all worth it.

The second trip, to Sedona, happened hours after I got back from Utah. I was just there in August, but this time during the winter, hopefully with snow. Well, there wasn't any snow, until our third day that is. Last day of the year, we woke up to snow showers and it snowed non-stop for the entire day. Great for a winter wonderland among the red rock. But bad for visibility with complete whiteout conditions. Luckily, we make the last stop at Bell Rock on our way home and the sun shines through as I walk up the trail. It was meant to be.

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