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The words I try to live by. Read more thoughts and ideas related to photography, camping and nature conservation. You can also find occasional news and art show schedules.

It's already been over two months since I revisited Hawaii. Always welcoming. Always an adventure. This trip was different from my previous solo ventures with the addition of my girlfriend. Less before sunrise wakeup calls or crazy mountain view hikes and more leisurely strolls of sightseeing and eating. But it's not hard to unexpectedly find some views worth snapping up. Until we meet again, mahalo.


At the beginning of July, plans were made to fly out to Denver to help my friend drive back to LA. Of course, no road trip would be complete without plans of hikes, camps and adventures. So we made our rough itinerary with no shortage of excitement. But as often as life does, she threw us a curveball. The drive to LA was not going to happen. What to do? Let's U-turn and go towards Wyoming! As they say, the adventure starts when things don't go as planned. This trip allowed me to unexpectedly cross three National Parks off my list. Rocky Mountain N.P., Grand Teton N.P. and Yellowstone N.P. All of them were amazingly beautiful in their own unique ways. I would someday like to revisit them and venture off the paved roads and walkways to see the hidden real beauty that they have to offer.


I was hoping to make a trip to Utah's art festivals in June an annual thing but this idea has slipped through my fingers once again. I would've enjoyed taking part in the two art festivals in Logan and Salt Lake City but I will have to pass and hopefully make it out next year. To those of you who I have met at either of these shows, thank you always for your support.

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